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Unravel the Mystery of Erica 

Ravens Bead Theorem

We solve the quest of Erica and her mysterious bead... And more than that, we have reason to believe that the message the ravens brought to Erica is of utmost importance.

So what are you waiting for?


House of The Blue Frog

You have to start somewhere ...

This can be the right place.


House of The Golden Goblet

What we've discovered so far and what we still don't know (for sure)...

A dark figure of a lurking monster

State of affairs

The Unknown

what we must find out

The circle of the bead

connecting players

The known

Detective board and archive

Magister Ludi

Your Magister Ludi is always there for you.

You can ask anything you struggle with to find your way in this game. He's always there... not sure where exactly, but somewhere!

Time can change you

You can change time ...

Something happened with our game-time.

The parameters of our game-time need to be re-framed and our timekeepers will have to deal with this.

Wait and see if time will be on our side.

DeCode - EnCoding

You all created a secret code – that was not only for fun, it’s also to communicate in secret and to help you with the decoding of the Buckminster-game-code.

It’s up to you if you give your code to the other players – it’s no longer a secret by the, but it can help to decode the Buckminster-game-code.

You can choose to release some parts of you code, in function of the group-work?

So, your code remains partly secret …

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